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Triboard Transportation Services

Coloured Tag Program (all grades)

Grade Level:                 All grades
Program Length:       Multiple years as needed
Program Type:            Safety Item

The Coloured Tag Program is a quick, safe, free and effective means to assist all stakeholders in protecting our most vulnerable students. The identification tags are placed around the handgrip on the top of a student’s backpack.

Purple Tag -Met at Stop

Red Tag -Medical

Students with a Purple Tag will not be let off the bus without a parent or guardian present at the stop. These are provided to all new JK/SK students and by request from the school. After filling out a Plan of Care at the school, students with major health concerns will be provided a Red Tag to alert drivers that they are at a higher risk of having a health emergency.

Tags are provided directly to the school.

Cancellations & Delays


Application Weekly Deadline


Transportation applications received by 12pm on Wednesday will be effective the following Monday (or Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday).  Transportation information for the following Monday is published in our Student Portal  after Thursday at 12pm. Please check the Student Portal after 12pm on Thursday for your updated transportation information. 

If you require assistance, please visit triboard.ca/contact to contact us.