Have a Question? We are here to help.
Check if an address meets the requirements for busing at triboard.ca/eligibility
Apply for the school bus at triboard.ca/apply
Review our Transportation Policy and Procedures at triboard.ca/about/policy
Use the drop down menu for specific questions:
Mailing Address: |
Phone: |
PO BOX 235 Napanee, Ontario K7R 3M3Do not submit applications by mail. If you cannot submit your application online or by email, please provide it to the school. |
613-354-1981Be kind to our staff. Aggressive, disrespectful and / or rude calls will not be tolerated. Phones are answered Mon-Fri, 7am-5pm (Summer hours: Mon-Thu, 7am-3pm) |
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Social media comments and direct messages are not monitored. Serious inquires must be made through our office.